Friday, 4 March 2016

TNGNTA's milestone

By the tremendous effort by TNGNTA
we achieved a New Milestone by the following

Reader in Nursing - Promotion 
Lecturer in Nursing - Promotion
Nursing Tutor Gr-I - Promotion and transfer 
Nursing Tutor Gr-II - Promotion and transfer

A Victory for Team Work


  1. Respected Sir,
    I am S.Usha, Lecturer in nursing, Rani Meyyammai College of Nursing, Chidambaram.
    I have seen your TNGNTA's website(milestone) and seen your milestone achievement like reader-promotion, Lecturer- promotion and nomenclature of the post of Assistant Lecturer. Here we are in tutor Gr-II, Lecturer and Reader posting, no re-designated also.
    Sir, we are waiting for reader promotion. In our university except nursing and physiotherapy department are not getting any promotion, due to there is no proper Tamilnadu G.O for us. Our Vice-Chancellor also not accepted the G.O. what we were submitted G.O. No.212, heath and family welfare(AA2), 2016. Through your website I have hope to get G.O. or any nomenclature for the post of reader in nursing. We want to start the Association.
    I request you to consider our grievances and give valuable suggestions, ideas, guidance.
    I thankful to you if you are giving G.O for us. I will wait for your kind reply.
    Thanking you,

  2. Respected Sir,
    I am S.Usha, Lecturer in nursing, Rani Meyyammai College of Nursing, Chidambaram.
    I have seen your TNGNTA's website(milestone) and seen your milestone achievement like reader-promotion, Lecturer- promotion and nomenclature of the post of Assistant Lecturer. Here we are in tutor Gr-II, Lecturer and Reader posting, no re-designated also.
    Sir, we are waiting for reader promotion. In our university except nursing and physiotherapy department are not getting any promotion, due to there is no proper Tamilnadu G.O for us. Our Vice-Chancellor also not accepted the G.O. what we were submitted G.O. No.212, heath and family welfare(AA2), 2016. Through your website I have hope to get G.O. or any nomenclature for the post of reader in nursing. We want to start the Association.
    I request you to consider our grievances and give valuable suggestions, ideas, guidance.
    I thankful to you if you are giving G.O for us. I will wait for your kind reply.
    Thanking you,
