Friday, 27 February 2015

High Court Chennai gave the direction to fix Grade Pay of Nursing tutor

By the tremendous effort made by our association, we got the direction from the High Court to fix the Grade pay with in 3 months .

copy of the High court order enclosed HERE

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Friday, 20 February 2015

Budget 2015 – Expectations of Salaried employees

Budget 2015 – Expectations of Salaried employees in the income tax front

Budget 2015 may be yet another one, but financial comfort and rising hopes on growing Indian Economy, may provide room for the finance minister Mr. Arun Jaitley to announce more exemptions or reliefs in the income tax front in this Budget. More than additional exemptions these measures can be called as updating of Income Tax Exemption limit for various allowances which were fixed very long ago which unrealistic to present date.

Budget 2015 Wish List of Salaried Employees on Income Tax :

Basic Income Tax Exemption Limit :
Increase of Basic Income Tax Exemption Limit to Rs. 3 lakhs to meet out inflationary Trend.
Transport Allowance:
Transport Allowance is exempted to an extent of Rs. 800 per month. However, the lowest amount of Transport Allowance of Rs. 400 (plus dearness allowance) received by the employees in the Group C and MTS cadres itself is taxable. So there is a very high need for increasing exemption limit for Transport Allowance payable Government Employees.
Children Education Allowance:
Children Education Allowance is the other allowance, which is exempted to an extent of Rs. 100 per month. Of course this exemption limit was decided more than a decade ago when tuition fees of Rs. 100 was reimbursed to Central Government Employees. On implementation of sixth Pay commission recommendations, Children Education Allowance has been raised to Rs. 1000 and incremented when DA crosses 50% each time. So, there is no point in keeping the slab on IT Exemption for CEA at this low level. It is widely expected that Childen Education Allowance is to be fully exempted from Income Tax.
Medical Reimbursement by Employer:
The present Exemption Limit of Rs.15,000 as far as medical reimbursement is concerned provided by an employer needs to revised to Rs. 50,000 considering the cost of medical treatment presently.
Health Insurance premium under Section 80 D:
Salaried Employees also expect an increase of exemption limit for Health Insurance Premium paid to Rs. 50, 000 from the current level of Rs. 35,000 (Rs. 15,000 for family and Rs. 20,000 to Parents)
Re-Introduction of Standard Deduction:
As of now, Salaried Employees are treated at part with Tax Payers who are self employed and doing business of their own, as far as Income Tax is concerned. But this was not the case 10 years ago (until 2004-05). Just like Self Employed and Business related tax payers enjoy deduction of expenses made from the income, a fixed amount was exempted from total income of Salaried Employees which was termed as Standard Deduction. One of the expectations of Salaried Employees now is re-introduction of Standard Deduction for their income tax assessment.
Exemption Limit of Rs. 1.5 lakh for Savings under Section 80 C:
Also, Salaried Employees feel that Exemption of Rs. 1.5 lakh available for Savings and Insurance Insruments as wells as retirement plans is too low considering the number of investments allowed to be exempted under this category. It is expected that this Exemption limit has to be increased to Rs. 2 lakh at least.
Exemption limit on Rent Paid when no HRA is received :
Further, Rent paid by an individual is exempted now to an extent of Rs. 2000 per month if no House Rent Allowance is received. This limit was fixed in the year 1998. Needless to say house rent cost has increased enormously since 1998. So, this exemption limit needs immediate revision to match the current rental cost.
Source : Gconnect

Government Employees can not be suspended more than three months if not charge-sheeted

Government Employees can not be suspended more than three months if not charge-sheeted – Hon’ble Supreme Court’s observation

It would be a happy news for many Government Employees who have been made to wait unendingly under suspension without issue of charges against them. Hon’ble Supreme Court has observed in a case that involves long term of suspension to the effect that Government Emplyees have to be issued with charge sheets within three months from the date of suspension, failing which suspension has to be revoked.
“A government employee can’t be kept suspended for more than three months if not formally informed about the charges”, the Supreme Court said in this case.
This decision of Apex court will be a boon to many government employees who have been suspended on various grounds without issue of charges formally.
Justice Vikramjit Sen has said in this case – “Suspension, specially preceding the formulation of charges, is essentially transitory or temporary in nature, and must perforce be of short duration,”.
However, it was also ruled by the apex court that if proper charges issued to government employees, suspension may be extended by the govt.
Hon’ble Supreme also said in this case that if suspension is for an indeterminate period or if its renewal is not based on sound reasoning this would render it punitive in nature.
It agreed with petitioner’s senior counsel Nidhesh Gupta that a suspension order can’t continue for an unreasonably long period.
Hon’ble Court has opined that this issue is similar to criminal investigation in which a person alleged to have committed a criminal offence will have to be released on bail if the investigation did not file charge sheet after 90 days are over.
In case, no charges are framed against the suspended employee, it is equal to punishing him / her even before charges are proved. “Much too often this has now become an accompaniment to retirement,” the court said, This decision has set aside a direction of the central vigilance commission to keepy departmental proceedings to in abeyance pending a criminal investigation.
At the same time, there is no bar for transfer of the government employee to ensure fair trial.
This judgement of Hon’ble Supreme Court was based on a petition filed by a defence estate officer who was suspended in September 2011 for the alleged offence that he issued wrong no objection certificate for utlising a land.
Hon’ble Delhi High Court has however decided in this case otherwise, which has been dismissed by Apex Court now.
Ironically, it was held by Hon’ble Supreme Court that as a charge sheet had already been served on the petitioner in this case, the directions of Supreme Court on suspension may not apply to him.
Source: Hindustan Times

Monday, 2 February 2015

RE-Budget -G.O issued

Revised Estimation - budget sanctioned for all School of Nursing - to get GO

6% DA from Jan 2015

Source: Gconnect

With all 12 indices for calculating DA from January 2015 in hand now, DA from January 2015 confirmed to be 113%.

In the first week of Dec 2014 and Jan 2015 we estimated the likely Dearness Allowance payable to Central Government Employees, Railway Employees and Pensioners with effect from January 2015 as 113% based on the movement of All India Consumer Price Index (IW). This estimation is justified now as hike in DA from January 2015 is confirmed to be 6%

All India Consumer Price Index (Industrial Workers) for the period from January 2014 to December 2014

MonthActual AICPI-IW
Jan 2014237
Dec- 2014253
DA from January 2015
((237+238+240+242+244+246+252+253+253+253+253+253)/12) -115.76) *100 / 115.76